Friday, June 17, 2011

A Shining Star!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
 - Albert Einstein

We'd like to introduce you all to another IN STEPPS Star!
This month, the spotlight is on Kara-Lee! Kara-Lee is just one of our many fantastic therapists. She is a crucial part to each team she is on and her positivity keep us all smiling and upbeat! She reminds us that even on the longest or toughest days, we have an amazing opportunity to help change the lives of the families we work with and a great attitude goes a long way! She goes into each session with the same energy as the last, and gives each child everything she's got! We like to call her IN STEPPS' very own "energizer bunny." :)

Here's what some of Kara-Lee's supervisors had to say about her:

"Kara-Lee has a positive attitude and is very dedicated to her clients. She brings a great energy that she maintains throughout session. Kara-Lee is always willing to try new things and implement feedback. When she is faced with a suggestion or information that she doesn't understand, she is willing to ask for clarification and or assistance. Kara-Lee knows her clients well and engages in collaboration to assist in keeping their programs moving forward."

"I can't say enough about Kara-Lee! She is an awesome therapist. She comes to each and every session with a fantastic attitude, high energy, and a fun plan! The kids adore her! She welcomes constructive feedback and implements suggestions immediately. She is always willing to go above and beyond what is required of her, much to the appreciation of her supervisors and families she works with. Her positive attitude and flexibility makes her a pleasure to have on my teams! "

"Kara-Lee is an amazing therapist with great energy!  She is extremely ambitious and always volunteers a hand to help out wherever she can.  Thanks for all you do for us, Kara-Lee!"

Yes, THANK YOU, Kara-Lee for everything that you do for us, the families and children you work with, and for reminding everyone that positivity is key! IN STEPPS wouldn't be the same without you!

We love the chance to praise the hard working and dedicated individuals on our staff. It really reminds us that we are so lucky to have such amazing team members.... they truly are a step above!

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