Monday, November 26, 2012

The Season of Thanks and Giving!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart -- Helen Keller

Tis the season for thankful hearts, full bellies, giving to others, and spending time with friends and family! 

We hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are excitedly anticipating the holidays coming up in December! 

As we reflect back on 2012, we can't help but feel very lucky. We have an amazing staff, incredible kiddos we work with, families that open their hearts and homes to us, and the chance to make a difference in someone's life. This is not a gift that we take for granted, we assure you! 

Check out a few things that our In Stepps team is thankful for this holiday season. What are YOU thankful for? 

I am thankful to have the best job in the world. I get to watch our amazing clients learn and grow every day! I am also grateful for my coworkers who demonstrate a passion and a commitment to our kids and inspire me every day. -Cheri 

I am thankful for the best friends and family that support me in everything I do, and I'm also SOOOthankful that I have a job that I absolutely love and am so excited to go to work everyday! – Julia 

I'm thankful for my good health, family, and friends- Randi 

I am thankful for family and friends, abled bodies and jobs to do, laughter and an abundance of love. I feel very blessed every day. – Lindsey 

 I am thankful for the opportunity to treat children like humans...  I Love PRT!!!- Dave

I am thankful for many things this year: an awesome job, my health, meeting wonderful new people, living next to the ocean and I would have to say...balloons. Balloons have helped me more this year then all my years combined...thank you balloons for being so much fun.- Nicole M

I am truly grateful for my family and friends, as well as for all of the wonderful children and families who I have the opportunity to work with. I know that I am blessed to have a job that I love and where I believe that I am making a difference, but I am even more fortunate to have this job which is filled with so many people who make such a positive impact on me and my life, as well.- Kimberly

I'm so thankful for laughter and children's smiles- Rebecca 

I am thankful for the opportunity to learn and be able to help spread that knowledge. Oh and thankful for warm weather this holiday season!- Leigh Ann 

I am thankful for my family, friends, and colleagues who are so supportive and inspiring. 2012 has truly been the best year yet!- Laura E

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