We are excited and proud to announce that our Directors,
Yvonne Bruinsma and Erin McNerney, are co-authors on an important position
paper published yesterday in the prestigious Journal for Autism and
Developmental Disorders. This position
paper has an impressive list of authors that include some of the biggest names
in current research on Autism Treatment and we are thrilled that In STEPPS was
able to contribute to this important work!
The paper is titled: Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral
Interventions: Empirically Validated Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
It describes how the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) evolved from
Discrete Trial Training to naturalistic teaching methods like PRT and ESDM that
take developmental theories into account. It also describes common elements in
naturalistic developmental intervention models demonstrating that these models have
more similarities than differences. In short, the paper makes a strong case for
autism researchers and practitioners to come together and work under the NDBI
umbrella in order to bring improved understanding of the interventions to parents
and funding agencies, and the most up-to-date, high quality services to our

Download Your e-Offprint (PDF file)
Your 'Online First' electronic offprint is now available! Download your PDF file using the following link: http://www.springer.com/home?SGWID=0-0-1003-0-0&aqId=2805611&download=1&checkval=2302d5fc550199d1f9115bd719ac2a6e If the PDF file does not open automatically, please copy and paste the URL into your browser window. Please note that your free e-offprint will only be available for four weeks! Your article will be assigned to a specific journal issue. After the production of that issue has been completed, you will be notified by email and a new, paginated e-offprint with the final cover of the respective issue will become available to you as a free PDF-download. Any additional (printed) offprints or posters you might have ordered will then be shipped to you. |
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